Disclaimer: The following information does not list all coverages, limits, or exclusions. For full coverages, limits, and exclusions, please contact our office.

The Minors Programs Accident Insurance (AKA Camper Insurance Program) covers participants in case of accidental death, dismemberment, or incurred medical expense while participating in “scheduled, supervised, and sponsored activities of the Policyholder”. Campers Insurance is excess to other insurance. This helps alleviate most out-of-pocket costs to the family for a covered claim. The purchase of Campers’ Insurance is optional and is dependent upon each department’s discretion.

The following programs are eligible for coverage:

  • Daycare participants (Children and Staff)
  • 4H Camp participants (adults and minors)
  • Youth Sport Camp participants (Grades: K-12)
  • Youth Academic Camp participants (Grades: K-12)

Instructions for Obtaining Coverage:

  1. Confirm your camp schedule(s).
  2. Before a camp/event starts, complete the online Camper Insurance Request form.
  3. After the camp/event ends, you will need to complete the Camp Participation Report. You will receive a notification from Origami to complete this Report after the camp/event ends. Premium will be billed following this report.

Keep a roster of those who have purchased this insurance available in case requested by the insurance company. If an incident occurs, please complete the Incident Report. If the injury requires medical treatment, the staff should give the parents/guardians an AIG claim form to complete. Contact the Office of Risk Management if you do not have the most current year’s AIG claim form.

Benefit Information:

Insurance Company: AIG

Accidental Death Max. Amount $5,000
Incurral Period: 365 days
Accidental Dismemberment Max. Amount $10,000
Incurral Period: 365 days
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Aggregate Limit $250,000 per accident
Accidental Medical Expense Max. Amount $25,000
Benefit Period: 52 Weeks
Incurral Period: 90 Days
Dental Maximum Amount per tooth $250 per accident

Camper Premium:

Program Premium
Daycare $5.58 per person per year
4H Camp $1.88 per person per year
Youth Sport Camps $6.04 per person per week
Youth Academic Camps $0.55 per person per week