The Tenants’ and Users’ Liability Insurance Policy (TULIP) provides low-cost special event insurance to third parties using college or university facilities. TULIP is event-specific and protects both the facility user/third party and the institution against claims by individuals who could be injured or experience damage to property as a result of participating in an event. Events may range from classroom seminars, receptions, or weddings to festivals and fairs, sporting events, or concerts.

Click the below image to go to the TULIP website where you can review covered activities and quote coverage:

Per Event Limits:

$1,000,000      Products/Completed Operations Aggregate

$1,000,000      Personal Injury/Advertising Injury

$1,000,000      Each Occurrence (Excess Liability may be purchased)

Excluded         Medical Payments Expense

$1,000,000      Third Party Property Damage

$1,000,000      Liquor Liability (additional cost)

$     50,000      Abuse or Molestation (additional cost)


None – General Liability

$1,000 – Property Damage